AgWorks specializes in the development and support of web-based business solutions. With these solutions, we also offer an array of additional services to satisfy your business needs. Contact us today to discuss your next custom project.

Application Development

AgWorks has experience with the latest software development languages and platforms and can help you with your custom project needs.


AgWorks develops .NET/ASPX solutions employing MVC, IIS, Entity Framework, dynamic charts and PDF documents and SSL encryption.

Mobile Applications

We can build mobile, cross-platform business solutions that meet the rigorous design and development criteria required of industry-leading app stores.


AgWorks develops Servlet/JSP solutions incorporating Struts, Tiles, Log4J, dynamic charts and PDF documents, Hibernate and TopLink object-relational mapping tools and SSL encryption. We have configured and deployed applications using IBM WebSphere Application Server, Jakarta Tomcat and Apache Web Server.

Network Management

Let us design and install networks for your small business. This includes, but is not limited to, firewalls, routers, gateways, servers and workstations.

Web Design

Using .NET, Java, PHP, HTML, JavaScript and other technologies, we can help you build affordable, web-based applications that meet your unique business needs (e-commerce, corporate sites, custom applications, etc.).


Our documentation team creates and maintains professional, company-themed release notes, online help documentation and other training materials.


Reliable, high-performing systems are vital for successful websites, especially when valuable day-to-day commerce depends on such websites running critical applications or dynamic content. With our hosting, all sites are housed on high performance servers with RAID-based disk access systems, utilize redundant power sources and are backed up daily.

Database Design

Data integrity is a key component of any business. We use the following to create sustainable database architectures:

  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • PostGres/PostGIS.

GIS Integration

With experience in GIS products from ESRI and MapInfo as well as open source solutions, AgWorks can help you identify and implement the GIS tools that best meet your business needs. In past projects, we’ve created GIS solutions with:

  • Multiscale viewing (i.e., zooming in and out, panning);
  • Map-based user interface design with the integration of high-quality aerial photographs from the USGS;
  • Multi-layer viewing (e.g., street, river, and other data layers);
  • Customized mapping (e.g., use of a company logo and color themes) and
  • Many other features.